2023: FOCF donates $222,000 to fund for kids and MAW GBA

2022: FOCF donates $32,500 to Larkin Street Youth Services

2022: FOCF donates $32,500 to East Bay Kids Foundation

2022: FOCF donates $32,500 to htmelle

2022: FOCF donates $15,000 to Project Night Night

2022: FOCF donates $15,000 to Side by Side

2022: FOCF donates $20,000 toMake-A-Wish/ Northern and Central California and Nevada *

2022: FOCF donates $130,000 toMake-A-Wish/ Northern and Central California and Nevada *

2021: FOCF donates $125,000 to Make-A-Wish Greater Bay Area & Tri-Counties

2021: FOCF donates $31,250 to Bay Area Crisis Nursery

2021: FOCF donates $31,250 to East Palo Alto Kids Foundation

2021: FOCF donates $31,250 to htm.elle

2021: FOCF donates $31,250 to Larkin Street Youth Services

2017: FOCF donates $375,000 to Make-A-Wish Greater Bay Area

2016: FOCF donates $250,000 to Make-A-Wish Greater Bay Area

2015: FOCF donates $275,000 to Make-A-Wish, Greater Bay Area

2014: FOCF donates $250,000 to Make-A-Wish, Greater Bay Area

2012: FOCF donates $120,000 to Blue Planet Network

2011: FOCF donates $60,000 to Opportunity Impact

The Ferrari Owners Charitable Foundation is a California nonprofit public benefit corporation established to support charity organizations that work to improve our communities, with an emphasis on organizations providing services and advocacy for disadvantaged youth and public health.
We harness the broad interest and passion for contemporary and vintage Ferrari automobiles as a means of drawing attention to and support for worthy causes.
Our Beneficiaries
Following the growth of the Ferrari Owners Group, the Ferrari Owners Charitable Foundation (FOCF) was founded upon members’ desire to give back to their communities. Through fundraising events and our signature annual FOG RALLY, FOCF raises awareness and donations for organizations providing services and advocacy for disadvantaged youth and public health.
Our Projects
Beneficiaries: Make-A-Wish Greater Bay Area and FOCF’s Fund for Kids
FOG RALLY 2023 jointly benefited Make-A-Wish, marking the ninth consecutive year of our charity partnership and FOCF’s Fund for Kids, marking the third year of our support. Through the Rally fundraising efforts $120,000 was donated to Make-A-Wish Greater Bay Area, bringing the Foundation’s total donation to Make-A-Wish to over $2.2M enabling over 230 wishes. This year included two special ‘in-the-name-of’ donations for Joe Keon and the Dhani Family. In addition, through the Rally fundraising efforts $112,000 was donated to the Fund for Kids for grants to East Palo Kids Foundation (year 3), East Palo Alto Tennis & Tutoring (year 1), htmelle (year 3) , Project Night Night (year 2), SideBySIde (year 2), and Stanislaus Youth Center/Hutton House (year 1).

Beneficiaries: Make-A-Wish Greater Bay Area, Make-A-Wish Northeastern and Central California and Northern Nevada, and FOCF’s Fund for Kids
FOG RALLY 2022 jointly benefited: Make-A-Wish (marking the eighth consecutive year of our charity partnership) and, FOCF’s Fund for Kids. Through the Rally fundraising efforts: $140,000 was donated to Make-A-Wish, bringing the Foundation’s total donation to Make-A-Wish to over $2.1M enabling over 220 wishes; and $160,000 was donated to the Fund for Kids for grants to Bay Area Crisis Nursery, East Palo Kids Foundation, htmelle, Larkin Street Youth Services, Project Night Night, and SideBySIde.
Beneficiaries: Make-A-Wish Greater Bay Area, Make-A-Wish Greater Tri-Counties, and FOCF’s Fund for Kids
The 10th anniversary 2021 FOG Rally celebrated a decade of making a difference for kids. In honor of this milestone, the 2021 FOG Rally jointly benefited: Make-A-Wish (Greater Bay Area and Tri-Counties), marking the seventh consecutive year of our charity partnership and, FOCF’s Fund for Kids which was created this year to provide grants to local non-profit organizations directly helping kids in need and youth at risk. Through the Rally fundraising efforts: a $125,000 donation was made to Make-A-Wish, bringing the Foundation’s total donation to Make-A-Wish to $2M enabling over 200 wishes; and a $125,000 donation was made to the Fund for Kids, which was divided equally between Bay Area Crisis Nursery, East Palo Kids Foundation, htm.elle, and Larkin Street Youth Services.

Beneficiary: FOCF COVID Campaign for Kids and Families
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic we took the decision to cancel the 2020 FOG Rally and postpone our 10th anniversary celebration to 2021. And to respond to the urgent needs we recognized in our community, we launched the FOCF COVID-19 Relief for Children and Families Campaign to raise $30,000 in 30 days for five Greater Bay Area organization: Bay Area Crisis Nursery (East Bay), Edgewood Center for Children and Families (San Francisco), Larkin Street Youth Services (San Francisco), Lifemoves (Peninsula), and Napa Valley New Deal (Napa). We exceeded that goal and continued to support BACN and LSYS with a special End-of-Year Campaign.
Beneficiary: Make-A-Wish Greater Bay Area & NCCNV
In honor of Make-A-Wish Greater Bay Area’s 35th anniversary, the 2019 FOG Rally raised $350,000 to fund 35 wishes. In addition, we donated $25,000 to Make-A-Wish Northeastern & Central California and North Nevada and made a special $20,000 gift to FOCF Founder, Joe Keon, to fund additional wishes. These $395,000 in donations make the 2019 FOG Rally our most sucessful fund-raising Rally to-date, and brings our total donation to Make-A-Wish to $1.875M funding over 190 wishes for children with critical illnesses.

Beneficiary: Make-A-Wish Greater Bay Area
The 2018 Rally marked our fifth year of partnership with Make-A-Wish Greater Bay Area. Having already funded over 100 wishes as of 2016 and achieving our goal the “Million Dollar Milestone” in 2017, in this year we raised an additional $325,000 alone. This brought the total amount of monies raised to $1.45M which funded over 145 wishes and made FOG Rally the largest external fundraising event for this organization.
Beneficiary: Make-A-Wish Greater Bay Area
“#MillionDollarMilestone” Campaign
June – September 2017
As we entered our fourth year of partnership with Make-A-Wish Greater Bay Area, it was clear we were in striking distance of reaching an unprecedented $1,000,000 in total funds raised for Make-A-Wish Greater Bay Area. Our #MillionDollarMilestone campaign was a very successful component in enabling us to surpass our projected fundraising goal, resulting in the largest charitable gift in FOCF’s history.
FOG Rally 2017
September, 2017
The Rally partnered for a 4th year with Make-A-Wish Greater Bay Area. 50 cars participated in the Rally, beginning with a luxurious departure breakfast at Murray Circle Restaurant, and a photogenic launch amid the sweeping vistas of the San Francisco Bay. The FOG Gala at the Fairmont San Francisco achieved unprecedented success during the dramatic live auction featuring highly coveted collectibles donated by featured speaker and renowned racing celebrity, Bobby Rahal.

Beneficiary: Make-A-Wish Greater Bay Area
Granting Austin’s Wish
April, 2016
In conjunction with Make-A-Wish Greater Bay Area, members of FOG assisted in granting the wish of 11-year old Austin, from Jacksonville, Arkansas, who wished to ride in a Ferrari challenge car on the track. Austin rode in not one but two La Ferraris at the annual Ferrari Challenge at Sonoma Raceway, enjoying hot laps in in a challenge car with FOG member Jeff Westphal. Members of FOG presented Austin with a custom race suit and FOG coat made specially for the occasion.

80 edays
June, 2016
In the summer FOCF was part of a unique event, “80edays,” a Rally welcoming a contingent of electric cars from around the world. Our collaboration with this organization resulted in a $5,000 donation to Make-A-Wish Greater Bay Area.

July, 2016
Patland Estate Winery owners Henry and Olga Patland hosted a sumptuous wine tasting and luncheon for FOG members which raised $3,750 for Make-A-Wish Greater Bay Area.

“#100thWish” Campaign
June – September, 2016
In our third year of partnership with Make-A-Wish Greater Bay Area, we learned there was an excellent possibility that our fundraising efforts could result in our becoming the first external organization to fully fund 100 Wishes. Our #100thWish campaign was launched to run concurrent with the 2016 FOG Rally, raising nearly $20,000 on its own merits and enabling us to surpass our goal!

FOG Rally 2016
September, 2016
The Rally partnered once again with Make-A-Wish Greater Bay Area. 58 cars participated in the Rally, starting with a sumptuous breakfast at Murray Circle Restaurant and picture-perfect launch from historic Cavallo Point. The FOG Gala was a smash success at The City Club of San Francisco, featuring a live interview with special guest Indianapolis 500 Champion Alexander Rossi, who generously donated one-of-a-kind racing memorabilia to the live auction.

Beneficiary: Make-A-Wish Greater Bay Area
Ferrari Ride & Breakfast Auction at Wine & Wishes Event
August, 2015
The Ferrari Owners Charitable Foundation kicked off its year of charitable giving by once again donating multiple opportunities for bidding on the popular “Ferrari Ride & Breakfast” auction item to the 2015 Make-A-Wish “Wine & Wishes” event. Winners enjoyed a ride as a passenger in a Ferrari driven by a member of the Ferrari Owners Group (FOG) on one of the bi-weekly FOG breakfast drives. Each experience included the opportunity to ride in a Ferrari on some of Northern California’s most stunning backroads followed by a sumptuous breakfast with a group of Ferrari owners. All of the proceeds generated by the Ferrari Ride & Breakfast experiences were donated directly to Make-A-Wish Greater Bay Area.

FOG Rally 2015
September, 2015
Building on the success of the 2014 FOG Rally, this year’s event launched fifty Ferraris on their way from Mill Valley to Lake Tahoe where participants stayed at the elegant Ritz-Carlton Lake Tahoe Hotel. Under the continued presenting sponsorship of Ferrari Silicon Valley, Rally participants enjoyed a breathtaking drive, dined under the stars, and enjoyed the camaraderie of fellow Ferrari aficionados throughout the weekend. The event included a Gala and Auction hosted by the Hilton San Francisco Financial District, which netted $275,000, enabling the Ferrari Owners Charitable Foundation to surpass its 2014 record-setting gift to Make-A-Wish Greater Bay Area.
Beneficiary: Make-A-Wish Greater Bay Area
Wish Reveal for Tre Grinner
May, 2014
In the Spring of 2014, FOG members were invited by our new beneficiary partner, Make-A-Wish Greater Bay Area, to participate in a “Wish Reveal,” a special time when a child learns that his or her wish will be granted. The entire Board of Directors of the Ferrari Owners Charitable Foundation joined two Make-A-Wish representatives and secretly descended upon the home of 17-year old Terry “Tre” Grinner, diagnosed with Hodgkin’s Lymphoma, whose wish to be an investment banker for a day was about to be revealed. Only Tre’s mother knew that the Board members were quietly setting up a small car show for Tre outside the family’s home. Passionate about Italian sportscars, Tre was invited outdoors where he discovered a dozen Ferraris in his front yard! Tre was then invited by FOG founder, Joe Keon, to get behind the wheel of his Ferrari and give it a spin.
Tre’s wish began with a meeting at Goldman Sachs in San Francisco to prepare him for a “mini-internship,” for which he was ultimately flown to Wall Street where he had experiences involving BlackRock, Yankee Stadium, and the New York Stock exchange, took a personal phone call from Warren Buffet on the air at a local radio station, and visited NASDAQ where he rang the closing bell. Tre went on to speak at the 2014 FOG Rally Gala where he expressed his gratitude to Make-A-Wish and described how his wish experience changed him. He has since recovered from his illness and remains involved with the FOG community, receiving mentoring and often attending FOG weekend events to inspire others.

Cavallo da Corsa magazine
September, 2014
The Ferrari Owners Charitable Foundation has published four editions of Cavallo da Corsa, a lifestyle magazine that showcases the charity supported each year, provides a detailed pictorial of the Foundation’s signature event, the FOG Rally, and includes articles on contemporary trends in fashion and culture. The magazine was created and designed by FOCF Board Member Thomas Liu and produced locally by long time Rally sponsor, Essence Printing.

FOG Rally 2014
September, 2014
In September 2014, fifty Ferraris roared out of Mill Valley’s Depot Plaza toward the Bacara Resort in Santa Barbara on a mission to raise awareness for Make-A-Wish Greater Bay Area. Under the presenting sponsorship of Ferrari Silicon Valley, Ferraris in a wide range of models and years participated, making the 2014 Rally a unique drawing point for auto enthusiasts and spectators, as well as an opportunity for broad media exposure about our charity partner. Contributions to the local Make-A-Wish chapter from Rally drivers’ entrance fees, combined with proceeds from the 2014 Gala and Auction, resulted in the Ferrari Owners Charitable Foundation setting a record for the largest single gift ever generated by an external event to support this beloved organization.

Ferrari Ride & Breakfast Auction at Wine & Wishes Event
The Ferrari Owners Charitable Foundation donated multiple opportunities for bidding on “Ferrari Ride & Breakfast” to the 2014 Make-A-Wish “Wine & Wishes” event. These popular auction items were bid up competitively and each winner was treated to a ride as a passenger on one of the bi-weekly FOG breakfast drives, experiencing the unique opportunity to ride in a Ferrari on some of Northern California’s most stunning backroads followed by enjoying breakfast with a group of Ferrari owners. All of the proceeds generated by the Ferrari Ride & Breakfast experiences were donated directly to Make-A-Wish Greater Bay Area.

Beneficiary: Blue Planet Network
San Francisco Promotional Rally
June, 2012
Having identified Blue Planet Network (BPN) as the charity benefactor for 2012, the Ferrari Owners Charitable Foundation, with the cooperation of the San Francisco Police Department, toured through the city streets of beautiful San Francisco with rally vehicles bearing the logos of Blue Planet Network.
Bystanders were invited to partake in rides while FOCF staff, supporters, and Blue Planet Network staff educated the public about BPN’s important mission: funding projects around the world that provide clean drinking water to regions and communities without access to this basic resource.

Saks Fifth Avenue Fundraising Event
June, 2012

In partnership with the world renowned specialty store Saks Fifth Avenue, the Ferrari Owners Charitable Foundation and Blue Planet Network held a fundraising event at Saks in San Francisco.
FOCF staff and supporters along with Blue Planet Network staff educated consumers about the lasting impact of clean water solutions upon communities without it. A portion of sales were donated to Blue Planet Network.
Monterey Car Week
August, 2012

Leading up to the 2012 FOG Rally, FOCF staff and supporters promoted the FOG Rally and raised awareness for the clean water projects of our 2012 charity benefactor, Blue Planet Network.
FOCF once again displayed a booth at “Concorso Italiano” and distributed pamphlets and magazines while educating the public about Blue Planet Network’s mission, providing clean drinking water, an essential building block of developing regions. Over 500 issues of Cavallo da Corsa magazine were distributed to event goers, which featured a detailed history of Blue Planet Network and the importance of clean water projects.
Cavallo da Corsa Magazine
September, 2012
The second issue of Cavallo da Corsa Magazine was created, designed, and printed through the incredible generosity and contributions of members of the FOCF community. In particular, from concept to execution, the 2012 issue would not have been possible without the dedication, time and talent of its designer and publisher, FOG Member Thomas Liu.. Cavallo da Corsa is distributed as a keepsake at FOCF events including the annual FOG Charity Rally, and is debuted during Pebble Beach Car Week each year

FOG Rally 2012
September, 2012
Launching from the historic Fairmont Hotel San Francisco, the 2012 FOG Rally departed for Los Angeles via Santa Barbara on a media intensive mission to raise awareness and funds for Blue Planet Network.
Each stop of the rally featured events and displays that welcomed the public to view the cars and learn about Blue Planet Network and the important work of bringing clean drinking water to developing regions. With clean drinking water, communities, women and young girls in particular, become empowered to take control of their own lives, free from the fear of many waterborne diseases.
The FOG Rally generated widespread media exposure for Blue Planet Network’s work and lead to numerous donations. About 50 percent of each rally driver’s entrance fees were donated to Blue Planet Network. Additionally, two charity auctions (San Francisco and Los Angeles) contributed to a total gift of $120,000 for Blue Planet Network.
For more information please visit fogrally.com

Beneficiary: Opportunity Impact
Monterey Car Week
August, 2011
Leading up to the 2011 FOG Rally, FOCF staff and supporters promoted the FOG Rally and raised awareness for the important work being done by our 2011 charity benefactor, Opportunity Impact.
FOCF’s booth at the well attended “Concorso Italiano”event distributed pamphlets and educated the public about Opportunity Impact’s mission: helping underprivileged youth overcome obstacles and preparing them for success.

Cavallo da Corsa Magazine
September, 2011

In 2011 the Ferrari Owners Charitable Foundation launched Cavallo da Corsa Magazine. Created, designed, and printed with the generosity and contributions of the FOCF community, Cavallo da Corsa is distributed as a keepsake at FOCF events including the annual FOG Charity Rally.
100% of proceeds from the magazine go to support our charity partner each year (Opportunity Impact in 2011, and Blue Planet Network in 2012).
For more information please visit cavallomag.com
FOG Rally 2011
September, 2011
In September, 2011, the sound and spectacle of 50 Ferrari’s launched the inaugural FOG Charity Rally.
At every stop of the rally’s route from San Francisco to LA, fascinated bystanders were educated about our important mission: to raise funds and awareness for a most worthy cause; equipping troubled and underprivileged youth with the support and skills to navigate their way to a brighter future through education, personal skill development, and focused case management.
The FOG Rally generated widespread media exposure for Opportunity Impact’s work and lead to numerous donations. About 50 percent of each rally driver’s entrance fees were donated to Opportunity Impact. Additionally, two charity auctions (San Francisco and Los Angeles) contributed to a total gift of $60,000 for Opportunity Impact.
For more information please visit fogrally.com